Monday, 11 August 2014

Snip Snap Snap

Yes, as the title suggest, I finally chopped off my hair.
I must say, this haircut took so much out of me.

Its been ages since I had a haircut and the hair I had has been through so much with me, I went to Myanmar, Hong Kong with it. Its been a good journey with my hair. But after cutting, it really does feel a lot lighter.
Like even now, when I bathe, its faster because my hair is shorter making it easier to shampoo and condition my hair.

So here is a picture of it before I snipped it off.

And here is how it looks like now!

Anyway I guess its good now that my hair is shorter, its so much easier to move around like for example, carrying my bag. 
In the past, whenever I carry my bag, my hair would get stuck with it because its too long, but now that its shorter, its so much easier to carry and put it down. 
And the next most obvious advantage would be now, it takes so much shorter amount of time to dry! Usually I will give up at night waiting for my hair to dry and just go and sleep, but now, it drys faster and I finally got to sleep with my hair dry :) 

But anyway, today was a good day! 
Spend my day chilling at starbucks with my project mates and went to eat dinner with him. 
The remaining week until 28 july will perhaps be a tiring week. 
But I can do this. 
Have a good week ahead everyone! 

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