Thursday, 14 August 2014

meh meh meh

feeling so lousy right now. meh.
shall post about it maybe when i'm done with school work.
God, I can't do this alone. :(

Monday, 11 August 2014

Snip Snap Snap

Yes, as the title suggest, I finally chopped off my hair.
I must say, this haircut took so much out of me.

Its been ages since I had a haircut and the hair I had has been through so much with me, I went to Myanmar, Hong Kong with it. Its been a good journey with my hair. But after cutting, it really does feel a lot lighter.
Like even now, when I bathe, its faster because my hair is shorter making it easier to shampoo and condition my hair.

So here is a picture of it before I snipped it off.

And here is how it looks like now!

Anyway I guess its good now that my hair is shorter, its so much easier to move around like for example, carrying my bag. 
In the past, whenever I carry my bag, my hair would get stuck with it because its too long, but now that its shorter, its so much easier to carry and put it down. 
And the next most obvious advantage would be now, it takes so much shorter amount of time to dry! Usually I will give up at night waiting for my hair to dry and just go and sleep, but now, it drys faster and I finally got to sleep with my hair dry :) 

But anyway, today was a good day! 
Spend my day chilling at starbucks with my project mates and went to eat dinner with him. 
The remaining week until 28 july will perhaps be a tiring week. 
But I can do this. 
Have a good week ahead everyone! 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Happy National Day!

First of all let me clarify, this post will have nothing to do with me going for National Day parade or anything like that. It just so happen that I have time to blog now and it happen to be Singapore's National Day! So why not title this post Happy National Day! So, Happy 49th Birthday Singapore! And I must say this year's National day parade is really good, the song was good, the parade was good, the performance was good, everything was good :)

Okay, so anyways, here's a little update about probably the busiest and most stressful week for the semester, week 16. Week 16 was probably the worst week, well every day after Hong Kong was bad because there is a never ending amount of work to do :(
But I'm just really glad its over now, all that's left is one more project and presentation and it will be exams and the end of Semester 2.1!

But anyway here is a little update on week 16 aka the craziest week every semester.
So on that week we had 2 project submission. One financial management and the other econs.

As per usual, financial management was horrible. (its just me, i hate dealing with numbers)
I don't know if its me who have poor time management or there was too many things needed to be done at the same time, but my group and I only really finish the project half and hour before the presentation and submission.

So here was basically what we had to, we had to do master budgeting for our business. 
To put it in simpler terms, we had to do excel sheets full of numbers numbers and more numbers. 
But the bad thing was other than this, we had to do a proposal in word and presentation for our business.

This was basically what it felt like, all the assignments are thrown to us and I'm just like WHATTTT. 
But I'm thankful we manage to complete everything and balance out balance sheets for every year of our business all within the night. 
Couldn't fully express how happy I was after knowing that we can balance out balance sheet because we spend 6 hours in school trying to figure out whats wrong and checking every cell in the numerous excel sheets but we couldn't find out what wrong.
I was really getting myself mentally prepared to get a C for this project.
But by the grace of God, we manage to find out whats wrong and get everything done before the presentation and submission.
Sleeping less than 10 hours for the two days was definitely worth it :)
Here's some of the pictures we took!

After that, went to Ikea and tried their meatballs for the first time. 
I don't know if its just me but the meatball tasted alright :/ 

Here is the food that was bought!  
But nonetheless the day was good and it ended off great! hehe 
Remember previously I mentioned there was another project due on the same week, if you don't its okay, let me remind you, the second project was Economics group project.
So after the finmgt project officially ended on Wednesday, we went back home and had a mini break from the numbers until we had to start on Thursday for our econs assignment.

As usual, all of us spend our no school Thursday in school doing projects. And only left school after being chase out by the guards. Got home and had to start on assignments again.

The assignemnt was due on Friday which was yesterday. 
Thank you to you (you know who you are) for staying up the entire night with me and accompanying me! hehe 
We finish the project and submitted it, so yay econs project is over too and all that's left is XCOMM major project and one last presentation and we are all done with assignments. 
But here's where things starts to get interesting, yesterday too, my friends surprised me for my birthday! 
Here was what happen. 

After submitting the assignments, shi shan and I walk to the bus stop. 
She had to meet her friend and I was going to meet Jia Hui who was also part of the plan. 
We were going to eat at some cake shop to destress and I thought it was normal because we always use eating as a form of celebration when we finish exams or a stressful week or just to chill. 
So I met her and went to Botanical Gardens because she said her dad says there is nice shops there. 
It wasn't a nice walk at all, we saw a lot of HUGE dogs and creatures and squirrels. 

But we were determined and continued walking trying to find the shop until suddenly Jia Hui who was also part of the plan covered my eyes and made me walk to the place where the surprise was! 

And then another surprise came after that! 
He was suppose to go for this society meeting and had to cancel the plans we made to have a meal together HAHAH 

I was really surprised! 
It was the first time in my life I had a surprise like this! 
They were really good and I didn't suspect a thing! 
And I was extremely touched when everything happen because this week was a extremely tiring week for all of us because of the assignments and they had to find time to plan and cook get everything prepared for my birthday surprise! 
I'm so thankful that God blessed me with this group of friends who accepted me for who I was and make my poly life such a blast :) 

Sadako New. HAHAHAAHAH ok nt funny. 

After the picnic we went to orchard to watch movie and went home.
It was horrible, I mean the movie, we rented horror movie and went to the Chambers at the top floor of Cine and watch it.
It was really a good way to end of the night, I couldn't stop smiling yesterday even now when I'm typing this.

But as I think back, I think I'm a truly blessed girl.
I have always have friends who always had my back and are just really true friends that we will keep for the rest of our life, even in poly where they say true friends are hard to find.
They taught me how to be strong.
How to be responsible.
How to trust.
And how to be a friend.
Yes, we might have moments where there are tension and unhappiness but its those things that make us closer and stronger!
And I know us meeting and becoming friends in poly aren't coincidence, its more than that!
I'm looking forward to the rest of the poly life with them and after that :)

But for now, I'm just really thankful for week 16, it was a tiring, stressful and fun week!
Okay, this post is getting way too long, but yeah that pretty much what I wanted to post about in this post, so have a good national day my non-existent readers and may something nice happen too you tomorrow :)

ps: thank you for keeping me sane when the world is driving me insane. I'm thankful for you!