Monday, 28 July 2014

1 - I'm back here for good.

Hello my non-existence readers. 
Its time, I've decided to come back to blogging for good, its always been me blogging on and off. 
But recently, I figured, why not just stick to it again? 

I feel good talking about whatever that is in my mind without actually having to talk verbally. 
And I get to relax my mind a little at least from my own over thinking problem. 
Its such a good idea especially with the fact that I hate sharing whatever is in my mind, not because I don't want to but because I don't know and I can't speak it out. 
So yeah, I've then decided to come back to blogging again. 

Recently, schools good I guess. 
This semester was extremely crazy. 
Went for my one month long Hong Kong Overseas Immersion Programme (it was tiring yet awesome) and now we are all struggling to cop with many things within the remaining time we have left with the semester. 
But its okay, this too shall past. :) 
Shall blog again some other time, tomorrow hopefully. 
Good day today because its Monday and I don't have to go to school because its a public holiday for hari raya! Good day :)